Pokemon picross solutions s04-02
Pokemon picross solutions s04-02

pokemon picross solutions s04-02
  1. Pokemon picross solutions s04 02 movie#
  2. Pokemon picross solutions s04 02 code#

if the nearest tile of the solution is more than 1 block away from the start) you save some frames moving here. For any level where you start off moving (i.e.

  • 2 frames after each level starts there is a single frame where the game allows you to move early (but not chisel).
  • Pokemon picross solutions s04 02 code#

    I also wrote some extra code to convert solutions directly to controller input so they could simply be pasted into TAStudio to speed up the process. The Concorde solver ( ) is a highly efficient TSP solver that quickly verified the fewest number of steps for all puzzles. To verify that all solutions are optimal I converted all the puzzles to a distance matrix which allows the puzzles to be treated as instances of the Traveling Salesman Problem. If all of the tiles in the puzzle are connected in a way that you can solve the puzzle just by visiting each of them once & no other tiles that is clearly an optimal solution (aka a Hamiltonian path). You can move up/down/left/right or diagonally every other frame & the optimal solution is the one that visits the fewest unnecessary tiles (tiles you've already chiseled or tiles that aren't part of the solution). This is probably the most mundane example possible of that but it's got me thinking about using a similar approach for more complex gameplay.

    pokemon picross solutions s04-02

    I've been interested in using optimization algorithms for the purpose of helping to route TASes.

    Pokemon picross solutions s04 02 movie#

    The process of making this TAS was probably more interesting than the movie itself.

    Pokemon picross solutions s04-02